Pour les anglophones...

Marxisme et mouvement ouvrier.

Pour les anglophones...

Message par com_71 » 12 Nov 2021, 11:39

...a collection of political pamphlets on socialism and communism :
Socialist Workers Party National Committee, "The Hungarian Revolution
and the crisis of Stalinism" (January 3-5, 1957)

Only victorious socialist revolutions can prevent the third world
war!: Manifesto of the Fourth International to the workers, the
exploited and the oppressed colonial peoples of the entire world.
Fourth International Conference (1946 : Brussels)

Trotskyism and the Cuban revolution: An answer to Hoy - Joseph Hansen

In defense of the Cuban revolution: An answer to the State Department
and Theodore Draper - Joseph Hansen

The theory of the Cuban Revolution - Joseph Hansen

Too many babies? - Joseph Hansen

The Socialist Workers Party: What it is, what it stands for - Joseph Hansen

Moscow vs. Peking: The meaning of the great debate - George Edward Novack

Zionism and the arab revolution: The myth of progressive Israel

Reform or revolution - Rosa Luxemburg

The bourgeois revolution: The political birth of capitalism - Georgiĭ
Valentinovich Plekhanov

Marxism and psychoanalysis - Paul A. Baran

What is socialism?: Answering questions most frequently asked -
Socialist Labor Party

The Voice of socialism: Radio speeches by the Socialist Workers Party
candidates in the 1948 election - James Patrick Cannon

Vote for socialism in 1956 - Socialist Workers Party

The heritage of Gene Debs, selections - Eugene V. Debs

American Stalinism and anti-Stalinism - James Patrick Cannon

UCF's contributions focus on a collection of political pamphlets on
socialism and communism collected by Miss Van Sickle, a staunch
Canadian Socialist from the 1920s through the 1970s. Over 2,000
pamphlets have been catalogued and can be searched using the library's
online catalog. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/prism
L’intérêt ne pense pas, il calcule. Les motifs sont ses chiffres. K. Marx, « Débats sur la loi relative au vol de bois » 1842.
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Inscription : 12 Oct 2002, 00:14

Re: Pour les anglophones...

Message par com_71 » 12 Nov 2021, 14:24

Et le 1er congrès de la IIème Internationale :
https://www.marxists.org/history/intern ... /index.htm
L’intérêt ne pense pas, il calcule. Les motifs sont ses chiffres. K. Marx, « Débats sur la loi relative au vol de bois » 1842.
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Message(s) : 6043
Inscription : 12 Oct 2002, 00:14

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